We had a guest living here!

Last Sunday night…..while in the need of something sweet or chocolaty…..I was digging in the pantry. I heard something move. Was it me? Did I bump into something? I looked around….saw the bittersweet baking chocolate had been nibbled. Was someone else looking for chocolate? I called Blake in…..pointed to where I heard the noise. He moved the boxes and out jumped…….A VERY LARGE RAT!!!!!! Blake grabbed the metal kitchen tongs and after a bit of effort was able to grab him. He was headed to the back door to set him free……Kate and I screamed and as he opened the door….Harry decided to help by jumping and barking. Our visitor jumped out of the tongs and ran around the kitchen with Blake, Will and Harry chasing him. (Kate and I were hiding in the den….watching thru the glass door). He ran up under the cabinet.  No way to get him.

We went to sleep….thinking that he was either gone or locked in the kitchen. WRONG! In the middle of the night….Lucy, the kitty, had a couple run-arounds with him in our bedroom. Kate, who was sleeping with us, and I decided….that was it….we were sleeping in the guest house.

The next morning….I left all the doors open…hoping he would be on his way. Nope! Will found him hiding in the corner of his room. We tried several times to “sweep” him out the door to freedom….but, he wanted to stay. Kate and I spent a couple more nights sleeping in the guest house….and a very happy night at a hotel with the Brownies at Disneyland.

Here is a picture of Will….dressed for battle….kitchen oven mitts, baseball bat and a milk carton cut….ready to catch him. I think that the hat is for confidence! He decided to name him Roscoe!

Lucy sat outside Will’s door for hours waiting for a chance to get inside and take care of it!

Kate would not leave my side! The only way she was comfortable was sitting on the kitchen counter….which she did for hours. FINALLY….after 4 days and many sitings of Roscoe…..he met his demise with a mousetrap. We tried to get him to leave peacefully…..but, I think he liked the accommodations at the Whitney residence! RIP….Roscoe.  Hope you find a large pantry full of all the chocolate bars you desire in Rat Heaven.

P.S……while we were on the “Rat Hunt”…..we discovered this site!

This is why Will is always out of his white socks! While he relaxes watching TV….it is easier to drop his socks behind the sofa….rather than carefully place them in the laundry hamper. That is Lucy’s toy mouse in the photo….perfect….right?

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