San Diego!

Monday, Kate, Will and I met my brother’s family and my Mom down in San Diego. After yummy street tacos with Papa Putt at El Napolito….we headed down to San Diego. Here is a picture of the kids at Seaport Village right below our hotel……The Manchester Grand Hyatt. Our plan was to have dinner with family friends in Coronado…..I wasn’t really up for driving back to Long Beach afterwards….so our neighbor, Bob, hooked us up with a great deal.

We stopped at The Del Coronado for a bit….to look around and search for their ghost, Kate Morgan.

Our mission for the trip was to re-connect with old family friends…The Rings/Keiths who live in Coronado. I spent a large part of my childhood visiting this amazing household. This picture is of my Grandmother and Grandad, my Mom and Dad and me as a baby. We always called this house “801”. We would visit often for Christmas Night and The 4th of July.

After my Grandmother, Tutu, passed away….Grandad married Eleanor Ring (a long time family friend) and moved into 801.

Susan, Eleanors daughter, and her 3 kids and 9 grandchildren, all rallied for this special reunion. Here is a picture of the next generation….all the Grandkids….on the steps of 801.

The house is chockfull of Naval and  political memorabilia! I spent many hours listening to this player piano. We had a wonderful time. The kids and I headed back to our hotel (a 10 minute drive across the bridge) and our room on the 21st floor overlooking the bay and Coronado. In the morning we had breakfast at Richard Walker’s Pancake House. Yum! We walked thru the Gaslamp District and spent some time at the Hyatt pool… then headed home. Perfect mini vacation for Spring Break!

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