Our Little Hummingbird Friend!

We have been watching a hummingbird nest up in our tree for the last month or so……and everytime we walked by it to go to the garage…..we would be “buzzed” by the Mama Hummingbird. Later we found that there were two babies in the nest. Last week….Blake noticed that one of the babies was on the ground under the nest…..so he carefully placed him back in the nest. Later that day, the kids and I found him down below again (Blake had placed a drop-cloth under the nest)…..so I gently put him back in……but the next time we looked he was back on the ground. We are not sure if he was falling out or pushed out by the Mama bird. When Blake came home, he made a little “nest” for him with tissue inside a small bowl and set it into one of our hanging plants near the nest.. Our friend, Mrs. Doolittle suggested that we try to feed him sugar water with a medicine dropper. So, that night, Blake gave it a try and the little guy drank it up.

So….we have been feeding him several times a day……Kate loves to take care of him.

She carefully lets the sugar water just barely drip of the dropper and he gobbles it up.

Even Harry was interested. Last night we came home late and our little friend was gone…..we hoped he had flown away with Mama Bird…..who still buzzes us everytime we feed him.

But, this morning…..there he was just sitting on the edge of the bowl…..waiting patiently for his breakfast.

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Filed under Kids, Pets

One response to “Our Little Hummingbird Friend!

  1. Patricia

    That is so sweet!
    I remember as a little girl one had flown into my grandparents window and was knocked out. My grandpa held it for a long time and nursed it back. It hung around for a long time after that.
    What a wonderful memory for the kids. 🙂

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